Information to Change name on Air France ticket


Change name on Air France ticket

Information for name change Air France booking


Whenever you travel plan changes, you need to modify the itinerary details. If you have booked a ticket with Air France and you want to change your booking details, it can be easily done. The changes can either be done online or offline. To facilitate the passengers, easily cancellation option is available online on the website of Air France. For details on the Change name on Air France ticket, you can read out the details provided below.


Name Change on Air France ticket with easy steps


When you want to change your Air France ticket online, you have to proceed with the following steps:

  • Go to the homepage of the Air France website.
  • Click on My bookings option on the main menu.
  • You will be redirected to My Trips page, where you can change or cancel your booking.
  • To retrieve your booking, you need to enter the booking reference number as well as the last name of the passenger.
  • With the correct itinerary details, you will have the booking on your screen.
  • Now, you can make the changes as per requirement. 
  • You are allowed to change the departure, arrival, and the travel date on your itinerary.
  • Other than this, you can add various other services and options to your booking.
  • Some changes are entitled to the change fee in the airline.
  • So, after paying the change fee (if applicable), you can save the changes and proceed.
  • After saving the details, you will get a confirmed and update the e-ticket on your email.


Change name on Air France ticket

This is how you can complete the process of Change name on Air France ticket task.

For any other assistance on airline services, you can get in touch with the support team of the airline. The contact page of Air France can be used to retrieve the contact details. Once you have the info, you can get in touch with the executives of Air France support. For change name on Air France ticket task get all relevant information and assistance easily anytime needed.